Neuropathomorphology DepartmentThe Neuropathomorphology Department include: – Pathology Laboratory – Laboratory of Electron Microscopy – Tissue Culture Laboratory Pathology laboratory Tel. +380 44 483-92-08 E-mail: morpho.neuro@gmail.com How to find: Institute of Neurosurgery, Building 1, 4th floor (see Map and Institute scheme). Specialists: Tetyana A. Malysheva Head of the Neuropathomorphology Department, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor. Pathology, Senior Research Fellow magister degree in public administration (NASU), Pathologist of the highest category Oksana H. Chernenko Head of the Pathology Laboratory, MD, PhD, Pathology Pathologist of the highest category, Senior Research Fellow Anna A. Shmelova Senior Research, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Pathologist of the highest category Laboratory of Electron Microscopy Tel. +380 44 483-82-35 E-mail: elmicroscopy@gmail.com How to find: Institute of Neurosurgery, Building 1, 1st floor (see Map and Institute scheme). Specialists: Viktoriya V. Vaslovych Researcher Anatoliy V. Bulavka Candidate of Biological Sciences, Engineer Olena O. Gromak Senior laboratory assistant, Laboratory technician of the highest category Tissue Culture Laboratory Tel. +380 44 486-46-20 E-mail: lyubichld@gmail.com How to find: Institute of Neurosurgery, Building 1, 5th floor (see Map and Institute scheme). Specialists: Larisa D. Lyubich Head of the laboratory, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Senior of science collaborator Larisa P. Stаіnо Researcher Diana M. Yehorova Junior researcher The main directions of scientific research
On the basis of the department, conditions have been created for mastering and improving the method of diagnosing tumor and vascular lesions of the central nervous system. There is a simulator for practicing microneurosurgical interventions (microsurgical anatomy of the central nervous system) with a certificate issued by the Scientific Organizational Department of the Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute. Information for scientists If your scientific interests relate to and include the study of the morphological, molecular, immunogenetic bases of CNS pathology, the course and formation of pathological processes of various etiopathogenesis, above all, the justification of treatment schemes for focal lesions of the brain and spinal cord, the Department of Neuropathomorphology offers methodical and practical scientific and diagnostic cooperation. According to the existing world standards and with the aim of increasing the methodical and scientific-practical level of scientific research works and dissertation works, the direction of neuropathomorphology is basically formed in scientific research works, which contributes to joint interdepartmental and multi-branch scientific research developments and the implementation of individual fragments of the NDR with functioning and certified divisions of our institution. The Department of Neuropathomorphology offers: Application of standard and special (in accordance with the purpose of the study) methods of preparation and staining of preparations for light microscopy (of various tissues); Modern methods of light-optical and electron-microscopic research; morphometric studies of pathogistological preparations of light-optical and electronograms on the IBAS image analysis system [Germany], methods of statistical processing of the received data using the STATISTICA 6.1 package and MS Excel 2007 spreadsheets and built-in specific macros (specialized in statistical studies in biology and medicine). Electron microscopy on ЕМ-400Т of the company “PHILIPS” [Netherlands] and 100-01 of Sumsk OAO “SELMI”, [Ukraine] compatible with the image analysis system using a digital camera and software of the company “Kappa opto-electronics GmbH” [Germany] Kappa ImageBase Manuals, version 2.7.2 Photo registration and archiving (digitization) to objectify detected changes (digital microphotography and photo printing). Information for patients Diagnostic services of the department The department of neuropathomorphology conducts complex morphological studies of inpatients of the Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, as well as self-referrals of patients who have a referral and justification for the need to conduct a pathogistological examination by neurosurgical, neurological and oncological consultant doctors. The Department of Neuropathomorphology provides consultative diagnostic services — a professional integrated assessment of cases operated on in other medical institutions (upon prior agreement of the research regulations, depending on the nature of the material). Basic morphological techniques
Research in the department is carried out on modern equipment: hardware and software complex for morphological research “Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH” (Germany), Zeisse microscopes “Axio Lab.A1” with “A-Plan” 10x, 20x 40x and 100x (Germany), Axiophot “OPTON” (Germany). Electron microscope ПЕМ-100-01 of the company “SELMI” (Ukraine). Image analysis system SAZ-01 AVN with software “Kappa opto-electronics GmbH” ([Germany). “Carl Zeiss” micrometer object, Reichert Jung Ultramicrotome. For questions regarding the consultation of histological preparations (conducting additional morphological studies) in order to establish a probable morphological diagnosis, contact tel. +380 44 483-92-08 (Neuropathomorphology Department, Tetyana A. Malysheva) or to the e-mail addressmorpho.neuro@gmail.com Information for doctors On the basis of the Neuropathomorphology Department, the following are carried out:
The courses are conducted by specialists of the department who have experience in the field of general pathology, neuropathomorphology and anatomy of the nervous system. Duration – 2 weeks (for doctors with morphological methods). Upon completion of the courses, a certificate of completion of information courses and internship at the workplace leading to a state diploma is issued (upon prior agreement with the scientific and organizational department of the Institute). The laboratory of electron microscopy has considerable experience and research opportunities in the areas of: differential morphological diagnosis of intracranial tumors with correlative indicators of structural morphometric characteristics of various cells of the nervous system (features of the microenvironment, background metabolic pathology, molecular changes and the degree of malignancy and invasiveness of tumors), cerebrovascular pathology (congenital, acquired, induced), craniocerebral trauma and its consequences (aspects of reparative processes in nervous tissue) and traumatic lesions of peripheral nerves, inflammatory-degenerative lesions of the CNS, epilepsy and epistaxis; malformations of the central nervous system, ecopathology (radiation pathomorphology of the nervous and neuroendocrine systems), effects of experimental use of mesenchymal and neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs), embryonic and postnatal cells. For questions about internship courses, contact tel. +380 44 483-92-08 (Neuropathomorphology Department, Tetyana A. Malysheva) or +380 44 483-91-98 (Scientific Organizational Department, Tetyana A. Yovenko). The department is certified for the right to measure the indicators of objects in the Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine. Updated 08 November 2024 |
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Content management: Anna Nikiforova Content management: Tetyana Yovenko |