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Інститут нейрохірургії
ім. акад. А. П. Ромоданова НАМН України

18.05.2023. Exciting News! Accreditation achieved for the 12th Annual EANS Young Neurosurgeons’ Meeting, Research & Training Pre-Meeting & Research Course!

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We are delighted to bring you some exciting news for the 12th Annual EANS Young Neurosurgeons’ Meeting, Research & Training Pre-Meeting & Research Course!

We are thrilled to announce that the 12th Annual EANS Young Neurosurgeons’ Meeting has received accreditation from the esteemed European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®), granting it 8 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).

Similarly, the EANS Research Course 2023 has also been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) and offers 6 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).

These prestigious accreditations serve as a testament to the high-quality educational experiences we have in store for our participants.

We can’t wait to welcome you to these enriching events!

2023 Pre-Meeting Student’s Course

We would like to remind you that there are still places for the 2023 Pre-Meeting Students’ Course: RESEARCH, TRAINING AND SOME WORDS OF WISDOM, which will take place in Madrid on 8 June 2023.

This year you also have the opportunity to combine it with the 2023 Young Neurosurgeons’ Meeting in Madrid, which will focus on head and spine trauma in the elderly- and the paediatric population, as well as having sports injury as our hot topic this year. As is the tradition, the aim of the meeting is to interact and discuss among peers – in hopes of gaining knowledge as well as meeting new friends.

Registration is open!

There is a 20% DISCOUNT on registrations for the members of the Young Neurosurgeons Network. Please contact martina.degregorio@eans.org to receive your discount code.

FLANC, CAANS and ACNS Members can also benefit from the same reduced registration fee as the EANS Members.


NEW THIS YEAR! Skills and Training Courses: From Basics to Masters 

This year delegates will have the unique opportunity to attend Skills and Training Courses on 8 and 9 June before the start of the YNM scientific programme. There are limited places and it will be on a first come first served basis.

Multimonitoring in TBI: From theory to practice. 
Target audience: Critical care specialists and neurosurgery. PGY2-5 and attending. 20 places.
Venue: Simulator Center at LA PAZ University Hospital.
When: 8 June, 2023, 13:00 – 17:30.
Critical care specialists who wish to attend this multidisciplinary course need to send an email to martina.degregorio@eans.org to register.

Basic neurosurgical skills. Craniotomy and microsutures course.
Target audience: Students and PGY 1-3. 24 Places.
Venue: Simulator Center at LA PAZ University Hospital.
When: 9 June, 2023, 08:00 – 12:00.

Endoscopy and spine. Basics on monoportal and biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery-Interlaminar Approach for disc lumbar herniation and Stenosis. Approaches training step-by-step. 
Target audience: Last years residents and board-certified neurosurgeons with spinal surgery experience. 24 Places.
Venue: Simulator Center at LA PAZ University Hospital.
When: 9 June, 2023, 08:00 – 12:00.

Disruptive technologies. Advanced cranial planning and robotics in spine. 
Target audience: Students, residents and young board certified surgeons. 48 Places.
Venue: Vincci Soho Hotel, Madrid
When: 9 June, 2023, 08:00 – 12:00.

Delegates will be able to register for one of these courses on Friday (plus TBI on Thursday) via the main registration form for the Young Neurosurgeons’ Meeting.

Don’t miss this opportunity, join us in Madrid for an unforgettable event!


Hope to see you all there!

Marisa Gandía – EANS Young Neurosurgeons Committee Chair

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Контент менеджмент: Anna Nikiforova

Контент менеджмент: Tetyana Yovenko