The State Institution
Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute
National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Department of Adjuvant Treatment for CNS Tumors

Tel. +380 44 483 95 73, +380 44 483 94 13


How to find: Institute of Neurosurgery, Building 4, floor 1 (see Map and Institute scheme).

Olexandr Ya. Glavatskyi

Head of the Department

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Neurosurgery

Тел. +380 67 466 34 73


Hennadiy V. Khmelnytskyi

MD, PhD, Neurosurgery

Тел. +380 67 900 19 69


Oksana V. Zemskova

Scientific researcher,
MD, PhD, DSc, Radiology
radiation oncologist; radiologist; medical oncologist

Тел. +380 95 575 05 75


Dmytro S. Teslenko

Scientific researcher,
MD, PhD, Neurosurgery

Тел. +380 50 175 03 03,
+380 97 175 03 03


About the Department

The Department of Adjuvant Treatment for CNS Tumors founded in 2014 is a structural subdivision of the State Institution “Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, was created to conduct scientific research, clinical, diagnostic and medical work, the implementation and application of the latest technologies in antiblastic chemotherapy and targeted therapy, radiation and radiosurgical techniques, immunotherapy with dendritic cell vaccine in tumors of the central nervous system.

The main task of the department is to provide a full cycle of patient treatment under the conditions of the Institute with subsequent support and dynamic monitoring in case of:

– diffuse glial tumors, such as: glioblastomas, astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas;

– ependymomas, meningiomas, primary lymphomas of the central nervous system and other primary brain tumors;

– secondary metastatic lesions of the brain, subject to both surgical and conservative treatment.

Neuromonitoring of patients is carried out using modern multiparametric neuroimaging research methods.

Glioblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in adults, characterized by an extremely aggressive course and a negative prognosis with a low chance of long-term survival. Standardized multimodal treatment, including resection of glioblastoma to the maximum safe extent with adjuvant chemo- and radiotherapy, has demonstrated statistically significant benefits in prospective multicenter randomized trials.

The Department provides inpatient care to neurooncological patients in accordance with international protocols for ensuring the specialized care to patients with brain glial tumors using a complex of modern methods for diagnostics, surgical, radiation and chemotherapy treatment.

The experience gained convincingly testifies to favor of the most comprehensive treatment for these tumors, as eloquently evidenced by the results of treating patients with glioblastoma. Survival for glioblastomas with surgery alone averages 3-4 months, when surgery is combined with radiotherapy, survival increases to an average of 10-12 months.
Taking into account the molecular profile of tumors when prescribing antiblastic chemotherapy it can significantly increase these periods.

To date, the department has more than 150 observations of patients with glioblastomas with a survival rate of more than 2 years, who received complex treatment according to the generally accepted international protocol.

Survival was:
˃ 3 years – 60.0%,
˃ 4 years – 32.3%,
˃ 5 – 26.2%,
˃ 6 – 20.7%,
˃ 7 – 10.8%,
˃ 8 – 9.2%,
˃ 9 – 6.2%,
10 years – 3.0%.

The determining factors were the radical nature of surgical interventions and the use of antiblastic chemotherapy and targeted therapy.

The department developed standards for the treatment of glioblastoma, which is the most common malignant brain tumor in adults, which is characterized by an extremely aggressive course and a negative prognosis with low chances of long-term survival, which were approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 16.05.2023 No. 903 “On approval of standards of medical care “Glioblastoma””–903-pro-zatverdzhennja-standartiv-medichnoi-dopomogi-glioblastoma

Updated 01 August 2023

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Content management: Anna Nikiforova

Content management: Tetyana Yovenko