A message by the EANS President Andreas Demetriades
Dear friends and colleagues,
It was another busy month in March, during which I had the opportunity to visit our colleagues at Charles University, Prague, where I was privileged to spend some time with trainees and staff as well as my generous hosts, David Netuka (chair of the department), and our Past President Vladimir Benes. It was also a pleasure to visit Cluj, Romania, and meet lots of aspiring neurosurgeons at the 10th Annual Masterclass, the quality of which was excellent
and inspirational too. Mid-March it was time to travel to Berne for the full day programme of the Swiss Neurospine meeting, where Enrico Tessitore was the perfect host. And from there I hopped for the weekend event on Cavernomas in Athens, masterfully put together by Kostas Fountas. The conclusion was consistent in all travels; that European neurosurgery is developing strongly in all corners of our continent and our Association is proud to be supporting all such activities.
We were very proud to successfully launch the first ever Spring Summit Meeting in Spine. This was a new endeavor by EANS & EUROSPINE, and it certainly proved to be a high-quality event and a fruitful collaboration. This “Tumor and Infection” event was held in Budapest between 31st March and 1st April, and all those that joined in enjoyed very interesting discussions delivered by a remarkable speakers line-up. I would like to thank the participants and the industry partners for their support in this new exciting project, one of many more to come.
Preparations for our EANS2023 Barcelona Congress are in full speed, and until mid-April we will be announcing the evaluation outcome for the record-breaking number of 1660 abstracts submitted. More than 50 industry partners have already booked their participation to our exhibition – and I would like to invite all interested industry parties to reach out to our congress team soon, as not many booths are still available to book.
If you did not manage to submit your abstract for our congress, you can still submit for our Young Neurosurgeons Meeting which will take place in June, and/or our Vascular Meeting, to be held in September. Abstract submission is up and running for these two events but will be concluded in April, so I urge you to prepare your work, submit, and join us in Madrid and Marseille.
A big thank you goes to our young researchers; more than 65 applications were submitted to our annual Research Fund programme. The review process is ongoing, and I must admit it will be quite challenging to choose the winners, as the quality of the applications received is extremely high.
As always, our webinar series continues with weekly webinars, which you are invited to join, always free of charge.
With wishes for a happy and healthy Easter celebration for you and your families, do browse through our April Newsletter topics and remain connected through our numerous ongoing activities.
Best regards,
Andreas Demetriades
EANS President
EANS2023 Barcelona Congress: Registration is open!

EANS President invites you to Barcelona
After completing a record-breaking abstract submission process, we are delighted to announce that registration and accommodation are now open for the EANS2023 Barcelona Congress!
You are invited to register now and join us in Barcelona getting access to more-than-ever original scientific contributions presented for the first time, as well as 300+ talks by experts in the 7 parallel congress halls, Masterclasses, exciting side events and many more.
Benefit from the low early registration rates, which are even lower for EANS members, until 16 May 2023. If you are not a member yet and wish to benefit from the reduced fee, use this opportunity to become an EANS member today.
The wait is over – Register now!
EANS Young Neurosurgeons Meeting & Research Course: Abstract submission is extended and registration is open
We would like to announce that Abstract submission for the EANS Young Neurosurgeons Meeting and Research Course is extended until the 7th of April 2023. The organizing committee welcomes the submission of original contributions in on of the thematic topics of the Meeting and join us in Madrid for an excellent event.
Also note that registration is now open! You are invited to book your spot now and get access to either both the Meeting and the Research Course, or book separately! EANS Members enjoy reduced rates, and on top of that, if you are a member of the Young Neurosurgeons Network, you get an additional 20% discount in registration!
To claim your discount, please contact Martina De Gregorio at martina.degregorio@eans.org.
10th Annual EANS Vascular Section Meeting:
Abstract submission Deadline is fast approaching
We would like to remind you that the Abstract Submission Deadline for the 10th Annual EANS Vascular Meeting expires on 14 April 2023!
Following the success of the previous annual meetings, on behalf of the Committee Panel of the EANS Vascular Section we invite you to submit your abstract for the 10th Annual EANS Vascular Section Meeting, which will take place in Marseille, from Thursday 7th to Friday 8th of September 2023.
Come and participate in a truly interdisciplinary platform for neurosurgeons, neurointerventionalists, neuroradiologists, neurologists, and others who are interested in the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases.
Submissions on all aspects of vascular neurosurgery are now open!
EANS Webinars – Join us for the next webinar:
5 April 2023, 17:00 CET
We are glad to invite you to the next EANS webinar hosted by the EANS Spine Section discussing: Cervicothoracic junction abnormalities in metabolic syndromes.
The invited speaker is Bart Depreitere (University Hospital Leuven, Belgium) and the discussion will be moderated by Florian Ringel (University Medical Center Mainz, Germany) who is also a Chair of the Spine Section.
Save the date for the EANS Advanced Course in Spinal Surgery
Mark your calendars and save the date for the upcoming EANS Advanced Course in Spinal Surgery, organized in cooperation with EUROSPINE on 26-28 November 2023 in Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
More information will be announced soon so… stay tuned!
EANS & EUROSPINE Tumour & Infection Days Spring Summit wrap up
136 participants from 26 countries enjoyed a few days ago the first ever EUROSPINE and EANS #SpineSpringSummit which took place in beautiful Budapest, focusing on the latest advancements and techniques in the treatment of spinal Tumours and Infections.
Thanks to a great collaboration between the two societies, our top-notch speakers, our experienced moderator Roy Sheppard and the support of our sponsors, the event introduced a brand-new successful event format designed to provide an interactive and engaging experience for attendees with Insight talks from leading experts, discussions, and technological updates from the industry. Moderated discussions offered a unique opportunity to dive into the complexities of spinal tumour and infection management. We thank our sponsors for their valuable support: Globus Medical, Zeiss, Nuvasive, Brainlab, Otpbank.
Introducing the winner of the Braakman Prize:
Krishna Narayanan
On behalf of the EANS Board and Office Holders, we would like to congratulate Dr. Krishna Narayanan, a Neurosurgeon in Karnataka, India, for winning the Braakman Prize!
The Braakman Prize is a long-standing EANS award, given to the best candidate in the FEBNS Examination in Neurosurgery Part II. For his excellent performance, Krishna will enjoy a money prize and 3 years EANS Individual Membership.
Congratulations to the winner!
Diversity Leader of the Month:
Eleni Tsianaka, MD, PhD

Work hard, be dedicated to your goals, follow your dreams, and never give up!” tells the story of Eleni Tsianaka, a Neurosurgeon from Greece, who knows very well that being a neurosurgeon requires being a team leader in a variety of situations. Dr. Tsianaka received her medical degree in 2004 from Thrace University… Read more
Here you can find out about upcoming third-party events that our members can register for with a discount:
Neurosurgical Basics 6th Edition |
Pavia, Italy, 6-11 May 2023 |
White Matter Dissection and Neurosurgical Anatomy Course |
Athens, Greece, 8-12 May 2023 |
Advanced Hands-on Course in Skull Base Surgery |
Duesseldorf, Germany, 11-13 May 2023 |
41st European Workshops on Basic Techniques of Microsurgery and Cerebral Revascularization |
Vienna, Austria, 22-25 May 2023 |
Symposium on Hybrid Cerebrovascular Surgery and Intervention |
Vienna, Austria, 26-27 May 2023 |
Athens Skull Base Hands-On Course |
Athens, Greece, 29-31 May 2023 |
Skull Base Approaches to Vascular Lesions |
Cremona, Italy, 30 May–1 June 2023 |
Global Spine Congress (GSC) 2023 |
Prague, Czech Republic, 31 May-3 June 2023 |
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