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ім. акад. А. П. Ромоданова НАМН України

13.06.2022. REMINDER: Join us in the next webinar organized by the EANS Skull Base Section!

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Surgeries around the Anterior Petrous Apex

We are glad to invite you to another webinar hosted by the EANS Skull Base Section, this time discussing Surgeries around the Anterior Petrous Apex.

When: 15 June 2022, 17:00 CEST
Register free of charge. Don’t wait – the number of registrations is limited!
Live stream will be available via our Facebook and Youtube.

Register here!

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© Інститут нейрохірургії ім. Ромоданова Розробка сайта: SKP

Контент менеджмент: Anna Nikiforova

Контент менеджмент: Tetyana Yovenko