The State Institution
Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute
National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

02.11.2018. Анонс нейрохірургічних заходів України у 2019 році

Повідомляємо, що на сайті EANS розміщена інформація про три науково-практичні конференції з нейрохірургії, заплановані в Україні у 2019 році.

Name of the event: UAN Annual Conference “Improvement of Functional Outcomes in Neurosurgery”
Date: March 13-15, 2019
Location: Polianytsia, Ukraine
Website and/or email address:,
Flyer (if you have one): will be sent later
Language of the meeting: English, Ukrainian, Russian
Amount of people expected to attend: 250

Name of the event: Conference «Interventional Treatment of Pain»
Date: May 16-17, 2019
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Website and/or email address:,
Flyer (if you have one): will be sent later
Language of the meeting: English, Ukrainian, Russian
Amount of people expected to attend: 100

Name of the event: Conference «Modern Technologies for Quality of Life Improvement in Neurosurgical Patients»
Date: October 24-25, 2019
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Website and/or email address:,
Flyer (if you have one): will be sent later
Language of the meeting: English, Ukrainian, Russian
Amount of people expected to attend: 250

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Content management: Anna Nikiforova

Content management: Tetyana Yovenko